How To Know If You Are On A VPN – 2023 Guide


VPN is a popularly used network connection service which ensures a safe and secure connection between any person and the internet. The traffic of data would be sent through a virtual tunnel which is highly encrypted. In this case, personal information would be scrambled. This also makes it safe against external attracts and hacks.

The working of a VPN is very important. Firstly, it blocks the IP address and allows the network to be accessed from a remote server. This ensures your location and address is hidden completely by any trackers. When you use a VPN, this server becomes your data origin.

So, you will not be using the internet of your ISP, hence they would not have a clue about which websites you are visiting or what kind of data you operate on. The tunnel of security scrambles all your data and if any tracker even obtains it, it would be nonsense.

Why do we have to use a VPN?


External access to your data and sensitive information would be completely blocked. Normally, when we surf the internet, our data would be unencrypted. This can hence be viewed by anyone with network access. Trackers and cybercriminals generally perform their crimes because of this.

While the actual way to protect your information is by using an encryption key, setting that up would take time. Thus, some people rely on a VPN connection. This makes sure your data is hidden on public networks by acting as proxies.

The demographic location would be set to another country thus misleading trackers and there won’t be any logs of your information retained. There are a variety of VPNs available and you can check for the one that will suit your needs. Some people often use it to access non-regional content like international content.

Remote working in certain fields requires secure data transfer when you are accessing classified workplace files. VPN connections employ the use of private servers and encryption methods to eliminate the risk of data leakage.

How to check if you’re on a VPN?


Sometimes, you’d want to double check if your VPN is functioning properly or not. It can leak your identity and address sometimes. Leaks on the internet cannot be traced easily, so try and check for these aspects if you are in doubt.

Look for an IP leak


The IP address bears sensitive information about you like your location. A VPN protects your information from any cybercrime by primarily scrambling your IP address. So an IP leak would defeat the whole purpose, so check for two internet protocols IPv4 and IPv6. This can occur due to their incompatibility.

This can be checked by running your IP address on Google to check which country it is situated in. If it is not yours, then your VPN is fine. Or else, you have to reconnect the IP again.

Note if there is a DNS Leak


If your IP is intact, oftentimes your DNS address can give your location away. DNS servers convert plain text URLs to numerical IPs. Now, if your IP is secure, but the DNS bears the actual location, then cyber criminals can swoop in and hijack your data. Leaky DNS can allow them to use it to access your information. DNS hijacking does exist and is a grave problem.

Look for WebRTC Leaks


A Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) system is already found in-built in the popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, etc. This generally is what enables media-using chats in these browsers, but as they carry logs, hackers can use this to get your information. All they would have to do is include a little code to get past your VPN and they would be able to access your original IP. If you are using a good VPN, this problem would be bypassed.

To Check If Your VPN Is Functioning Well


When you are using a new VPN, make sure that all the leaks possible are checked thoroughly first. First, write down your real IP address that you get when using your local ISP. Then enable your VPN, and input it in all the test websites. If the results yield a different country and a different IP address, it means you are connected to the VPN correctly.

If the results show your actual IP address, it means there are leaks. Make sure you carry out your IPLeak test, DNALeak Test, and the IP Select Extended Test to make sure your VPN is in top-notch shape. Most VPNs work seamlessly to protect your data.

They have various ways of scrambling data, each as efficient as the other. A few VPNs protect against DNS leaks by shooting DNS queries through a secure tunnel. When connected to good VPNs, all your data would be sent or received only on secure, anonymous servers.

Checking for these leaks are the top few ways to make sure you’re on a VPN. Make sure the VPN you use has a kill-switch. This works by auto-detection of any data leak and instant shutting down of the network connection if there are any leaks detected. For IP leaks and when troubleshooting says it’s an IPv6 incompatibility error, then disable it in your operating systems.


In 2023, the internet can enable us to obtain anything: be it information, data, or service. However, this comes with its own set of drawbacks where your information can also be targeted easily by cybercriminals and hackers. To maintain security and safety of your information, it is important to use a good VPN server. Hence, using good VPNs should be a priority in this day and age.

This would ensure complete privacy of data and sensitive information by using a secure tunnel in which you can access what you require. The tunnel scrambles all your information to nonsense and even modifies your geolocation to be untraceable. Good VPNs are extremely important to use and checking your VPN connection for leaks can ensure maximum security.