Construction Safety Advice To Keep Your Works Safe & Secure  


Managers of construction sites should do everything possible to maintain a good workflow. The most crucial thing you can do during the construction of the site is to make sure all the people’s security and safety on your team. Passer-by’s also need to be looked out for. The safety assurances of these humans are of superior importance to your job as the site manager.

Do you know what type of accidents occurs? How can you prevent these mishaps from taking place? This is a vital topic for discussion. Overlooking many factors could lead to a number of fatalities according to OSHA statistics, around one in every five deaths taking place on the job happened at construction sites.

There should be no barriers to worker safety and construction. Construction barricades like those found on crowdcontrolcompany can be a great help when managing construction projects. Take a look at the most basic yet preventable causes of accidents and how you can aim to prevent them.

Accidental slips and falls


Construction can take your work to greater heights. Greater heights always increase the chances of a simple mistake like a missed step. Other kinds of errors also occur due to inadequate coordination or other reasons. Workers can take a nasty fall. Sometimes, even more, minor missteps cause massive damage.

How can you, as a construction manager, prevent these mishaps?

Make sure that workers who climb greater heights have fall protection just in case there is a mishap. Harnesses, as well as Lifelines, are vital for workers. They should always be in good condition and constantly inspected. Debris and materials causing falls should be reviewed and promptly removed. You will be ensuring your worker’s as well as passer-by’s safety.



Electrocution is a genuine danger constantly faced by construction workers. They continuously handle heavy wiring as well as electrical work that takes place on any construction site. According to OSHA statistics, electrocution accidents make up about 8% of all construction workplace accidents. High voltage currents running via buildings lead to serious injuries or even death. In cases when construction defect and damages, you can get help from

Worker Motion


This type of accident refers to the problems that occur when workers twist or their body moves into impossible positions resulting in pain or injury. It’s one of the most common and unpleasant injuries. In these cases, you can get help professionals from

How can you prevent Worker Motion? Encourage all workers to take walks, stretch out, and take breaks before shifts. They should avoid carrying too much on their shoulders over small periods of time and avoid sudden movements. This could lead to a more permanent injury.

Some workers are pressured to finish work at tight deadlines. This results in the overworking of the body. You can take measures like laying out some durable construction mats to prevent slippage. These mats prove more support than traditional plywood. They are easy to install and come with a two-side non-slip traction design.

Hand Tool Harming


Hand tools like drills, sanders, box cutters and grinders are commonly known causes of injuries and can compromise construction security and safety on site. How can you prevent Hand Tool Harming? Ensure workers are adequately trained with using these hand tools. Inspect these rooms regularly and be aware of your surroundings.

Make sure you never carry a tool by the hose or cord. Don’t harshly pull the hose or cord to disconnect from the receptacle. Lastly, keep lines away from oil, heat, and sharp edges. Also, make sure they have access to protective materials like gloves and are worn when necessary. Check AlfaKapos for more info.

Vehicular accident

Heavy trucks and other heavy construction equipment are no strangers to the construction job site. This heavy equipment increases the potential for vehicular failure and accidents.

How can you prevent Vehicular Accidents?


Again, it is essential to have qualified and trained professionals driving these vehicles. Use precautions like jersey barriers which are used to block spaces where the car needs to go. You can avail of Roadway/Traffic barriers, Airport Barricades, and Barricades with Vinyl Fences.

Jersey Barriers provide durable, portable, and high visibility protection for construction sites or wherever pedestrians, vehicles, workers, and their equipment cross paths. Plastic barriers are lighter and mobile, while concrete walls provide a more permanent and durable traffic control solution. Add ons like solar-powered light, and reflective tape can be used.

Use of Belt Stanchions

Stanchions have become an essential part of crowd control and are vital tools in preventing chaos and a pleasant environment for people. They come in some standard varieties, including traditional ropes and posts plus retractable belts of different lengths and durability. These are all designed as functional tools of crowd control.

Belt stanchions are used for various purposes, such as waiting for lines and crowd control. They are used in places like banks, hotels, museums, hotels, restaurants, stores, and construction sites. Light and portable posts are used to manage queues. It takes only 1-2 people to set these up. All you need to do is set up the stanchions and attach the belt.

A retractable belt stanchion is a popular choice as it’s easily transported, constructed, and stored. You can load them up in small cars and go wherever you need. If your building has multiple floors transporting these belts is as easy as loading them on the elevator. You will save money by not buying separate systems for each floor.

Parting Words

Now that you are well-informed about the most occurring accidents, it is time to ensure that all safety measures are in place. You are as good as your team. It is your responsibility to ensure the safety and security of workers as well as pedestrians.

Make sure you have the right equipment and the proper protection. Most importantly, make certain workers are adequately trained so you will have the best man for the job. Construction work is no easy task so make sure you leave no room for error.