The Cost Of Outsourcing To A Digital Marketing Agency In Asia


Despite the bleak start to the 2020s, the Asia-Pacific region has seen the birth of more than 750,000 new businesses, according to Statista.

Among them, digital-services-based startups are the best bet, for according to The Keyword, Google’s blog, 60 million people have become ‘digital consumers‘ in Southeast Asia since the pandemic began.

There are no better options to promote an information-age business like theirs than to outsource digital marketing, which utilizes all online technology for advertising purposes.

That said, not many opt for this path for many reasons, including cost savings or the belief that “It’s just simple writing, right?”

Tech-One is here to assure you that hiring an outsourced digital marketing agency in Asia is well worth it, with detailed breakdowns provided below.

Let’s begin!

The cost of outsourcing to a digital marketing agency


Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room right from the get-go: yes, outsourcing to a digital marketing agency is not always budget-friendly, and this is no exception in Asia, which causes many minds to reject this marketing method.

However, few people understand the actual process that determines the final cost, which involves many talents, timing, and efforts. It is not as simple as “a blog post” or “a social media video” that anyone can do to promote a product/service.

Many categories could be considered digital marketing, including but not limited to: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Instagram), Content Marketing (blog posts/graphics), and Email Marketing. With each, specific requirements are asked for to successfully hit the target customers.

To elaborate, the following are the basis of intermediate steps of a standard Content Marketing process from the time a client meets with an agency manager/coordinator to the time they receive the final advertisement product:

  • Following a meeting with a client to determine their promotional needs, the account manager will relay information to the coordinator.
  • The coordinator will then discuss and manage work with the team of content writers, graphic designers, and so on.
  • When a post is finished writing and adding illustrations, an editor will review it and make any necessary changes before sending it to the account manager for approval.
  • After making any necessary changes, the manager will send it to the client via email or in person.
  • If the client requests more changes, repeat the process.

As you can see, this is a time-, effort-, and budget-consuming procedure that involves many people, not to mention the agency’s operation fee (rent, equipment, insurance, etc.). And the above scenario is only about the text-and-picture advertisement content, not including advertising!

Reasons to choose outsourced digital marketing in Asia

To save money, you may still want to hire an in-house digital marketing specialist for your company after this. But believe us when we say that the outsourcing route is ideal for a company’s growth because companies like Tech-One exist for a reason: to help you focus solely on that path.

Consider these explanations as confirmation of why companies like ours are and will always be eager to assist you and your business:

1. Cost And Time Efficiency:


Model marketing requires a large amount of human and technological resources, including people with specific skill sets (such as editors, designers, and managers) and specialized equipment (like computers, tons of software, and cameras).

It also requested weeks or months to gather the necessary specialists, tools, or even marketing strategies. When you connect with a digital marketing agency, they will all be available for you right away because they have all of the resources and experience to help you accurately.

3. Stress Reduction:


Marketing is a challenging aspect of starting a business. And, with other important tasks at hand, such as creating and delivering the product/service that generates revenue, the act of disseminating information to the public can fall by the wayside. That is why outsourcing your marketing problems is the best option: you can focus on important company goals while still informing everyone about what you are doing.

4. Greater Aim At A Larger Pool Of Audiences:

A digital marketing company with extensive resources and experience in online marketing can correctly analyze where to target potential customers and use the latest trends in digital marketing to provide the best content to attract them to your business. As a result, they can assist you in increasing your search visibility on the Internet, resulting in more phone calls and sign-ups from new customers.

5. Reliability:


Because this is their primary job, a fantastic digital marketing agency will always be prepared if you require any updates or changes to marketing strategies. They can provide professional assistance in many aspects of digital marketing right away if you require it.

6. Lower Your CPA And Maximize Your ROI:

Of course, at the end of the day, it is still about the results that determine the success of a business. That is exactly why marketing companies are established: to help boost other businesses’ income significantly.

With the ability to lower your CPA (cost per acquisition) and maximize your ROI (return on investment) by adapting masterful marketing funnels, you can concentrate exclusively on continuing to create success.



An Asian business can increase ROI and reach waves of new target potential customers by effectively implementing digital marketing, with outsourcing a digital marketing agency being an ideal strategy for doing so. They can put aside concerns about the necessary tools and people and focus solely on their product or service goals.

And with that, we hope this article has helped you feel confident about digital marketing.

However, if you are ready to pursue digital marketing for the growth of your business, consider starting with Tech-One! With a brilliant team of great individuals in all aspects of digital marketing and years of marketing experience, our strategies and funnel will take you to new heights.