6 Tips on How to Overcome the Fear of Failure When Blogging in College – 2023 Guide

Source: lifewire.com

Starting a blog is both exciting and terrifying for many students. On the one hand, it is a great opportunity to share knowledge, try out your writing skills, and earn some money. On the other hand, one might fear that they will fail.

After all, it is a different type of writing than college papers. As a student, you know that when you have troubles with a paper, you can just buy a college essay at EssayHub and forget about all the worries. As a result, you will have an excellent essay and some free time.

Yet, if you want to be a professional blogger, everything depends on your efforts. If you struggle with the fear of failure about blogging, here are the ways to overcome it.

Source: unsplash.com

Acknowledge it

The first thing to deal with is the fact that one day you will have to face fear. There is no way to avoid it your whole life. Every time you post an article, you’ll still have some worries about whether people are going to like it. You do not need to be completely fearless, you need to overcome it.

Accept the fear, know that it is there but you are still going to stick to your plan. Do not let the fear paralyze you and stop you from achieving your dreams.

Find Fear Behind the Fear

The next step is to figure out what you are actually afraid of. Fear of failure is a blurry concept that can hide something else behind, for example:

  • Personal consequences – you are afraid that you cannot do it, that you are not good enough. It means that you have to stop it, refuse your dreams. It is about feeling worthless.
  • Interpersonal consequences – you do not want to disappoint others (parents, peers, teachers, readers) or you are afraid to lose their trust in you.
  • Career consequences – something you say might damage your chances of future success or reduce social status.

When you know exactly what consequences you are afraid of, it is easier to find arguments why it is not true. Blogging probably won’t hurt your career. Your beloved one will not be disappointed if you do not become a professional blogger.

Source: pexels.com

Focus on the Goal

One of the main pain points of beginners is focusing on the goal. Where do I start? What should I write about? What if not everyone likes it?

You need to find the goal for yourself. Why do you want to do this anyway? Share knowledge? Earn money? Become famous? Write everything down and define the primary motivation.

After that, outline the ways you can do that. Start with coming up with the topic and subtopics. A professional platform is always dedicated to a particular subject, whether it is an Essay Service review blog, advice on traveling solo, a student’s guide to adult life, or various product reviews.

Source: pexels.com

Choose something you are good at and interested in, something that attracts a particular audience.

How to know whether there is a market for your topic? Look at search engine statistics. What are the answers users look for in relation to your topic? What issues do they face? Is there an opportunity to monetize the blog on this subject? Is there a lot to cover?

It can be anything you want to write about: technology movies for students, solving particular math problems, reviewing classic literature, or tips for future students. Just make sure you are interested in it and you have a unique perspective and experience in the subject.

Source: unsplash.com

Find Reference Points

Now it is time to clarify what a failure is. How do you define it for yourself in blogging? It is easy to see how one can fail an exam, but what about the failure in terms of blogging?

Is it not having enough organic traffic? Establish what is enough for you. Set the goal: what level of traffic do you want to achieve?

Is it an inability to post regularly? Set the dates that work for you. Create a posting calendar and find the topic to write on beforehand.

Is it little to no income? Find the references to the amounts a starting blogger can earn in reality. Outline the ways you can increase income. Learn about programs and advertisements, you can also follow some digital courses on that.

Recognize the Improvements

Source: pexels.com

It is easy to see mistakes and failures. It is even easier to feel down and blame yourself. But it is a completely different task to recognize what you did right.

The truth is, every blog is not a piece of cake at the beginning. It is a completely normal stage where you just figure out your ways. Do not be harsh to yourself.

Always celebrate your victories, both little and significant. Did you nail SEO or achieve higher traffic? Excellent! Or maybe you became more confident in your writing and the next post is much more exciting to read. Are the more positive comments? Applaud yourself for it!

Focus on Positive

Define the beliefs that will help you stay motivated and keep going. It can be anything that works for you, for example:

  • I am doing it to express my creativity, I am a creative person and I do well.
  • A hard task is a challenge, but not a threat.
  • I can overcome any obstacle and learn from my mistakes.
  • Any error is a learning point and a valuable experience.
Source: pexels.com

Focus not on “what will happen if I fail” but on “what will happen if I succeed”. Think about the prospects.

In Summary

It is only natural to be afraid of something new or not being good enough. But this feeling should not define one or make them give up on their dreams. Accept the feeling, find its roots, and turn pain points into goals. Focus on your key beliefs!