How To Write a Query Letter to Literary Agents: A Comprehensive Guide


Are you an aspiring author seeking representation for your manuscript? Writing a captivating and professional query letter to literary agents is a crucial step in getting your work noticed. A query letter is essentially a sales pitch, designed to grab an agent’s attention and entice them to request your full manuscript. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of crafting an effective query letter that will help you stand out in the highly competitive world of publishing.

I. The Importance of a Query Letter


A query letter serves as the first impression an agent has of your work, and its quality can make or break your chances of landing representation. A well-written query letter demonstrates your professionalism, showcases your writing skills, and highlights the marketability of your manuscript. An effective query letter can open doors to a successful writing career, while a poorly written one can lead to rejection, even if your manuscript is exceptional.

II. The Anatomy of a Query Letter


A query letter typically consists of three main components: the opening, the pitch, and the closing. Let’s break them down.

  • The Opening

The opening should be brief, professional, and engaging. Start by addressing the agent by name, as this shows that you’ve done your research and are querying them specifically. You can include a brief introduction of yourself, mentioning any relevant writing credentials or experience. If you have a personal connection or referral, mention it here as well.

Example: “Dear [Agent’s Name], My name is [Your Name], and I’m a [genre] writer with [any writing credentials, if applicable]. I recently met [Referral’s Name] at the [Event Name], who suggested I reach out to you regarding my manuscript.”

  • The Pitch

The pitch is the heart of your query letter. In one to two paragraphs, you need to capture the essence of your story and entice the agent to read more. Think of this as the blurb on a book’s back cover. Include the following elements:

  • The hook: A compelling opening sentence that grabs the agent’s attention and makes them want to read on.
  • The protagonist: Introduce your main character and their primary goal.
  • The conflict: Describe the obstacles or challenges the protagonist faces.
  • The stakes: Explain what’s at risk if the protagonist fails to achieve their goal.

Example: “When [Protagonist’s Name] discovers a hidden talent for [Special Ability], they’re thrust into a world of [Setting] and forced to confront their darkest fears. As they navigate the treacherous waters of [Conflict], [Protagonist’s Name] must overcome their own insecurities and learn to harness their newfound power in order to save [What’s at stake].”

  • The Closing

In the closing paragraph, provide essential information about your manuscript, such as the title, genre, and word count. If your work is part of a series or has been previously published, mention it here. Finally, express gratitude for the agent’s time and consideration.

Example: “TITLE is a [genre] novel, complete at [word count] words. I believe it would be a strong fit for your list, given your interest in [specific agent preferences]. Thank you for considering my work, and I look forward to the possibility of working together.”

III. Tips for Crafting a Winning Query Letter

  • Research your target agents: Learn about the agents you’re querying, their preferences, and their current clients. This will help you personalize your query letter and demonstrate that you’ve done your homework.
  • Keep it concise: Aim for a one-page query letter. Agents are busy, so make every word count.
  • Be professional: Use a standard font and formatting, and proofread your query letter thoroughly for errors. Address the agent by their proper name and title, and maintain a professional tone throughout.
  • Show, don’t tell: Use specific details and vivid language to convey your story’s unique qualities. Avoid cliches and generic phrases.
  • Be confident, but not arrogant: Demonstrate confidence in your work, but avoid coming across as boastful or presumptuous. Remember that agents are evaluating your professionalism as well as your writing.
  • Don’t reveal the ending: Your goal is to entice the agent to request your manuscript, not to summarize your entire story. Leave them wanting more.
  • Include comparable titles: Mention two or three published books that share similarities with your manuscript. This helps agents gauge the potential market for your work and demonstrates your awareness of the publishing landscape.
  • Follow submission guidelines: Each agent or agency may have specific submission guidelines, so make sure you follow them to the letter. Failure to do so can result in an instant rejection.
  • Revise and polish: Just as you would with your manuscript, revise and polish your query letter until it’s the best it can be. Seek feedback from beta readers, critique partners, or writing groups.
  • Be patient and persistent: Remember that rejection is part of the process, and even the most successful authors faced rejection before finding representation. Stay patient, learn from your rejections, and keep refining your query letter and manuscript.

IV. Common Query Letter Mistakes to Avoid

  • Being too informal: While it’s important to showcase your personality, remember that a query letter is a professional correspondence. Avoid using slang or overly casual language.
  • Overloading with backstory: Focus on the main character, conflict, and stakes. Save the intricate details of your story’s world-building and backstory for the manuscript itself.
  • Neglecting your protagonist’s agency: Make sure your pitch emphasizes the choices and actions of your protagonist, rather than relying solely on external forces to drive the plot.
  • Sending generic or mass queries: Personalize each query letter to the specific agent you’re querying. Generic or mass queries are easy to spot and are often dismissed without consideration.Ignoring word count guidelines: Most genres have established word count ranges that agents expect. Ensure your manuscript falls within the appropriate range for your genre.

V. Sample Query Letter


Dear [Agent’s Name],
My name is [Your Name], and I’m a [genre] writer with [any writing credentials, if applicable]. I recently met [Referral’s Name] at the [Event Name], who suggested I reach out to you regarding my manuscript.

When 17-year-old Alice discovers her ability to manipulate time, she’s thrust into a hidden world of enchantment and danger. As she navigates the treacherous realms of the Chronosphere, Alice must overcome her own insecurities and learn to harness her newfound power to save her missing father from a fate worse than death.
But as Alice delves deeper into the secrets of the Chronosphere, she realizes that her father’s disappearance is just the tip of the iceberg. An ancient evil is awakening, threatening to shatter the fragile balance between worlds, and only Alice can stop it. With time running out and the very fabric of reality at stake, Alice must face her fears and embrace her destiny before it’s too late.

TIMEKEEPER is a YA fantasy novel, complete at 85,000 words. I believe it would be a strong fit for your list, given your interest in strong female protagonists and inventive world-building. The novel stands alone but has series potential. Thank you for considering my work, and I look forward to the possibility of working together.

[Your Name]



Writing a compelling query letter is an essential skill for aspiring authors seeking representation. By following the guidelines and tips outlined in this article, you can craft a query letter that captures the attention of literary agents and increases your chances of securing representation for your manuscript. Remember to research your target agents, personalize your query letters, and maintain a professional tone throughout. With persistence, patience, and a polished query letter, you’ll be one step closer to achieving your publishing dreams.

As you continue to submit query letters and engage with agents, it’s important to stay informed about changes in the publishing industry, as well as to continue honing your craft. Consider joining writing communities, attending workshops or conferences, and reading widely within your genre to stay current and engaged with the world of writing and publishing. And remember, rejection is an inevitable part of the process; don’t be disheartened by setbacks, but use them as opportunities to learn and grow as a writer.
By putting in the hard work, dedication, and time required to craft a captivating and professional query letter, you’ll be better positioned to catch the eye of literary agents and ultimately secure representation for your manuscript. Keep refining your skills, stay persistent, and believe in your work – and soon, you may find yourself celebrating the milestone of signing with a literary agent and taking the next steps on your journey to becoming a published author.