What Are Weighted Crunches And How Effective Are They

Source: innovativeresultsgym.com

Everyone desires a fit body and a nice set of defined abs along with it, but many see it as an impossible task that only people with free time can do. Well, this idea that a toned body takes a lot of effort and time is true. The thoughts telling you that you can’t do so are entirely fallacious.

If one seeks to acquire the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger they should start with the most simple and ‘least equipment’ requiring exercise which is the crunch. Especially amid a ravaging pandemic, a simple crunch has endless benefits not only for your physical health but mental as well. Your aura will be aided and you will notice a surplus of newfound energy and better sleep along with it.

Fitness is a journey and everyone should look forward not to the end but the feeling of joy knowing that you have overcome obstacles that you previously have thought were far too difficult to conquer.

What Is A Weighted Crunch?

Source: muscleandfitness.com

Doing a crunch is very straightforward, first start by laying on your back and planting your feet firmly on the ground. With your hands behind your head, lift only your torso up so that only your upper body moves at a 45 degree angle. Hold this for two second while squeezing your abdominal muscles.

Then relax the abdomen muscles and gently lower your head to the ground. You need to remember to lift with only your abs but not any other muscle group for the greatest results while moving slowly and in a controlled manner. This article mainly talks about the variant known as the weighted crunch.

This exercise requires a yoga mat and a weighted object (preferably a weight plate for most controlled movement), and is an advanced version of the elementary crunch and exercises the abdomen more. However, if you are looking to learn more you can check out gym-expert.com, and get a more detailed insight on weighted crunches.

How To Do A Crunch And Advanced Versions

Source: popsugar.com

Doing a crunch is very straightforward, first start by laying on your back and planting your feet firmly on the ground. With your hands behind your head, lift only your torso up so that only your upper body moves at a 45 degree angle. Hold this for two second while squeezing your abdominal muscles.

Then relax the abdomen muscles and gently lower your head to the ground. You need to remember to lift with only your abs but not any other muscle group for the greatest results while moving slowly and in a controlled manner. The weighted crunch is rather tougher as it uses weight for a stronger core workout.

You need to take a lightweight object such as a pair of light dumbbells or weight plate and keep it in the palms of your hands and unlike the regular crunch keep your arms vertically in the air. As before, lay flat on the mat then flex your abdomens and lift your head off the ground. Do this until your required number of reps are obtained.

For more core engagement you can raise your legs and bend your knees at 90. It is a good habit to deeply focus on form as not doing so may result in no results being seen, if you don’t feel the pain there is nothing to gain. 8-20 reps and 1-3 sets are ideal but not being able to do so is nothing to be ashamed of as everyone is different.

Benefits Of The Weighted Crunch

Strengthen Muscles

Source: popsugar.com

The benefits of crunches seem to have no bounds. They are extremely effective as they completely isolate the abdominal muscles unlike many other core workouts. Weighted crunches are even better as they work the abs more.

They do this as when you do a crunch you are flexing your rectus abdominis as tight as possible, tearing the muscles and with proper form, this is accentuated. The torn muscles then reheal making them even stronger. People who have integrated crunches into their workout have seen a decrease in back pain and an increase in mobility.

Great At-home Workout

Source: runnersworld.com

As previously mentioned this exercise has no requirement of gym equipment making this available to anyone at any time and anywhere and extremely inexpensive. The weighted crunch has no requirement of actual weights but any weighted object that fits your required mass is also possible to use.

Low Risk

Source: bodybuilding-wizard.com

An exercise like a crunch does not have an age limit. This means no matter their age they do not have to worry about injuries with this exercise. The most important thing you need here is time and motivation.

Improved Physique

Source: blog.dynutrition.com

If you are working out to look more fit and have tight abs, weighted crunches are essentially made for you. Weighted crunches increase abdominal muscle growth without adding more weight to your body. This is because it is an exercise that requires repetitive motions.

Doing something over and over again consistently is the best way to build and grow muscle. Increased repetition with the slow adage of more weight regularly can give you the Hollywood six-pack you are striving for.

How Effective Are Crunches?

Source: stylist.co.uk

As previously mentioned, there are many benefits to doing crunches. However, if you are looking for the best exercise that increases core engagement then crunches are a debatable choice. Weighted crunches are a great way to build abdominal muscles but if you are looking to get a six-pack then it is not the way to go.

A lot of people may already have strong abdominal muscles that are just being covered by belly fat, so it is most important to think of reducing this as your priority. To reduce belly fat, one needs to lower their total body-fat percentage and to do so you need to do a variety of exercises, not just crunches.

This includes cardio, weight training, and leg workouts. Weighted crunches have a minimal range of motion, so most trainers and sports science specialists do not consider this to be the most effective core exercise.

Final Words

In conclusion, weighted crunches are a core exercise which is considered to be an elevated and more challenging version of a regular crunch. These are a great way to increase the amount of muscle growth and build-up, they are a low-risk exercise and best of all anyone can do them.

However, they are not the most impactful and effective exercise on their own. Their benefits are gained when doing them simultaneously with other more well-rounded exercises and maintaining a good diet.